Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD - The Aesthetic Institute
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How to Know if Rhinoplasty Is Right for You

5 Minute Read: 

A consultation with a doctor is the best way to know if rhinoplasty is right for you.

Your nose is the most prominent feature on your face. Depending on its shape, it can highlight your facial features in different ways. That’s why it’s important for you to be content with it. However, that’s not always the case. In those situations, the hands of an experienced surgeon can do a little adjusting.  But, before deciding to go under a knife, you need to be one hundred percent sure that’s the path you want to take. Stay tuned if you want to know if rhinoplasty is right for you.

What Exactly Is Rhinoplasty?

Most people hear about the infamous “nose job” before they even hear about plastic surgery. A lot of young and underage women undergo this procedure. But, there are a lot of misconceptions about what it actually is. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that serves as a way to reshape your nose. During the procedure, the cartilage and/or nose bones are reshaped to create the desired new form and size. Those with a functional nasal condition, such as a deviated septum, who have breathing problems may also have their troubles resolved by this treatment.

It’s a serious procedure

Plastic surgeons that specialize in the face are the ones who have the greatest expertise doing rhinoplasty. No two people have identical noses, so no two rhinoplasty procedures are identical. If a surgeon ever tells you that rhinoplasty is simple, take that as a warning sign. It’s important to take some time and choose the right and qualified professional. Even those with the greatest expertise recognize that the operation is quite difficult and requires a lot of attention to detail.

A surgical procedure.

Don’t forget that you are going for a surgical procedure. Don’t take it lightly, and ensure rhinoplasty is right for you

What Can Be Fixed?

When determining whether or not nose reshaping is the best option for you, the first step is to pinpoint the aspects of your nose that bother you or that you believe draw attention away from your other features. The following are some examples of things that you can improve with the help of rhinoplasty:

  • Crooked bridge of the nose or crooked nostrils
  • Nose that is either too prominent or too tiny
  • Deep radix that creates the impression of a big hump on the surface
  • Significant rise in the middle of the bridge
  • Point that is large or bulbous, especially one at an acute angle
  • Fold towards the very tip

In addition, if you have difficulty breathing through your nose or if your glasses never seem to sit correctly on your face, rhinoplasty may help solve both of these difficulties.

Boosting Your Confidence

If your nose significantly downgrades your confidence, you might be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. The pursuit of a more balanced appearance throughout the face is the primary impetus for the overwhelming majority of cosmetic rhinoplasties performed today. The concept is that all of your characteristics, in relation to one another, can be well-balanced and well-proportioned.

Most people who seek a rhinoplasty do so because they believe their nostrils detract from the appearance of their other facial features or throw off the equilibrium of their face. According to the experts at, many people choose rhinoplasty right before they move. Many of them deem that altering the look of their face, especially the nose, might give them a boost in self-esteem and confidence, as a good fresh start.

But – don’t do it under pressure

Even though this procedure can do wonders for your self-esteem, it can do quite the opposite if it’s not fully your decision. Many people with insecurities about their noses, especially teenagers, can be bullied into doing this procedure. The pressure of the media and surroundings can sometimes be too much to bear. If you feel like you’re doing this because of that pressure, it might be best to consult some other medical professional that can help you regain your mental health. That way, you will learn how your inner self feels about your outside, and you’ll be able to objectively tell whether the rhinoplasty would improve that.

A girl using a laptop.

The Internet and social media can put a lot of pressure on your insecurities.

Get a Better Handle on Your Breathing

You can have difficulty breathing due to injuries, genetic abnormalities, or growths within the nose. All of this may obstruct the passage of air into the nose. In these circumstances, rhinoplasty may include working on the channels through which air travels, and any modifications to the form or structure of the nose will ensure that air can continue to pass through properly.

Changes in the Septum

Changing the septum is a probable course of action for this kind of operation. The septum is a long and substantial stretch of cartilage tissue running down the middle of the nose. Changing the location or size is often a medically required surgery. It can involve a significant increase in function. If this is the case, health insurance may pay for the procedure. Work done on the soft tissue within the nostril may sometimes increase airflow while achieving a natural look of your nose. When the gap between the septum and the sidewalls and soft tissue of the nose (so-called nasal valve) increases, breathing improves significantly. 

A person breathing fresh air.

Although it’s famous for its cosmetic purposes, rhinoplasty is a great way to solve significant breathing problems.

Consult a Surgeon to Know if Rhinoplasty Is Right for You

Let’s go back to the subject that started this whole conversation—how to know if rhinoplasty is right for you. It is a really good question, but the only one who can answer it for you is you. If you’ve been asking that question for some time, it may be time to look into the idea in more detail. Your next step needs to be a consultation with a rhinoplasty surgeon who is both board-certified and highly skilled. A consultation with a plastic surgeon will help you eventually decide whether you should have a nose job. It can also tell you what type of results you can expect from the procedure.

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Robert Wald, MD
100 E. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 300
Fullerton, CA 92835

Phone: 714-312-3549
Fax: 714-738-1862

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