Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD - The Aesthetic Institute
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Category: Breast Augmentation

When Diet and Exercise Have Failed

With summer just around the corner, everyone is getting ready to enjoy the warmer months. The pool, the beach, and outdoor barbecues are common activities people partake in during the summertime. As the sun comes out, many people tend to show more skin to stay cool in the hot weather. Some people may be panicking and worried about getting beach body ready. The idea of bikinis, shorts, or tank tops might be causing people to diet and exercise so they can feel confident with their bodies in more revealing fashions. However, genetics and a person’s age can make it hard for them to meet their body goals. When diet and exercise have failed, plastic surgery could be an ideal option for achieving your desired physique. With so many new advancements in body contouring, an individual can get the body they want when at-home efforts are ineffective.

Your Body Contouring Options

Before and After LiposuctionThere are several plastic surgeries a person can undergo to correct certain characteristics that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. Dr. Wald offers a variety of body contouring procedures at his practice. Here are some of the options available:

  • Tummy tuck surgery: Postpartum patients and people who have lost a significant amount of weight often find it difficult to target unwanted fat and skin in the stomach area. Tummy tuck surgery is designed to eliminate excess abdominal fat and skin and tighten the abdominal muscles to create a slimmer, more defined waistline.
  • Liposuction: Stubborn fat accumulations are a common problem for all different types of individuals. Liposuction can be performed on any area of the body that has unwanted pockets of resistant fat.
  • Breast lift surgery: Aging, genetics, weight loss, and many other factors can contribute to breast sagging and laxity. Breast lift surgery can be performed to restore the breasts to a more youthful position by lifting the breast tissue.
  • Breast augmentation: Lack or loss of breast volume is not something that can be corrected with diet and exercise. Breast augmentation can alter the shape or size of the breasts using saline or silicone breast implants.

Whether you want to get rid of excess fat or correct the appearance of the breasts, Dr. Wald can help you achieve your desired look. Patients can choose to undergo one or a combination of body contouring procedures depending on their body and goals. Those who are apprehensive about a surgical procedure may be candidates for some of our non-surgical techniques. SculpSure® is an ideal option for those who do not want to or cannot undergo surgery. With minimal downtime and pain, SculpSure® can flush out and destroy fat cells to create a smoother, thinner waistline.

If diet and exercise have failed to help you get beach ready, you might be interested in one of our body contouring options. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Wald today! He is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has the experience and skills to help you achieve your body goals. Contact us by calling (714) 312-3549 or by filling out our online contact form.

I Want My Pre-Baby Body Back!

Although they are a wonderful gift, a lot of sacrifices come with having children. A woman’s entire life changes when she decides to start a family. Among the most frustrating transformations involves her body. Pregnancy and breastfeeding wreak havoc on the physique; the stomach expands to make room for a growing baby, the body begins to develop excess fat, and the breasts change in size as they start to produce milk for breastfeeding. After childbirth, the body might not revert to its original, pre-baby state. Many women find that diet and exercise fail to address these inevitable changes. Mommy Makeover surgery is an ideal option many mothers consider.

What Can I Achieve With Mommy Makeover Surgery?

A Mommy Makeover combines procedures for postpartum body contouring. Breast and body procedures can help a woman to reverse the effects of pregnancy to create firmer, more youthful contours. Depending on the characteristics that need to be addressed, Dr. Wald can create an individual surgery plan for your Mommy Makeover.

Rejuvenate Sagging Breasts and Loss of Fullness

Breast Lift Before and After PhotosThe breasts are completely different following pregnancy. Once a woman is finished breastfeeding, she might start losing the volume and shape of the breasts she once had. Breast lift surgery is an ideal procedure performed to restore lost skin elasticity that causes the breasts to sag (ptosis) by lifting them into a more youthful position.

Increase the Size and Improve the Shape of the Breasts

Some women will lose a significant amount of breast volume after pregnancy and notice they no longer have the large, full breasts that they once had. Breast augmentation surgery is designed to change the size and shape of the breasts by inserting saline or silicone implants. With so many breast implant types and incision options, a woman can have breasts that uniquely fit with the rest of her body. Breast lift surgery is commonly combined with breast augmentation to create larger breasts while correcting ptosis.

Flatten the Abdomen and Restore the Abdominal Muscles

A developing baby needs room for growth. The stomach expands throughout pregnancy and often results in weak abdominal muscles, excess tissue, and stretch marks. Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is designed to restore the abdominal muscles and get rid of the belly “pooch.” An incision is made from hip bone to hip bone just above the pubic line. Through the incision, fat is excised, and weak abdominal muscles are tightened and sutured together. Excess skin is removed, resulting in a reduction in stretch marks. Patients are happy with their slimmer, more toned abdomen.

Remove Unwanted Fatty Tissue

In addition to abdominal fat, many mothers gain excess bulges in other areas of their bodies. Even with a regular diet and exercise routine, unwanted fat is often unresponsive. Liposuction can be performed on any area of the body. Commonly, post-pregnancy women address the stomach, love handles, thighs, and hips. Liposuction involves the removal of excess fatty tissue using a cannula hooked up to a vacuum device. Many tummy tuck patients also undergo liposuction to help them achieve an overall better shape in the abdominal area.


If you are ready to get your pre-baby body back, Dr. Wald can help! He can evaluate your body and goals to help you decide on the right procedure for you. Schedule your consultation by calling us at (714) 312-3549 or by filling out our online contact form.

4 Benefits of Undergoing Plastic Surgery in the Winter

Beautiful Young Woman With Arrows on FaceYou have decided that you are ready for plastic surgery, and now it is time to book your appointment. The question you may be asking yourself is, “When should I schedule my surgery?” Most patients find that the ideal season to undergo plastic surgery is winter. Whether you want a breast augmentation or liposuction, the cool weather makes winter the perfect time to schedule your procedure. Plus, with a new year just starting, why not get your face and body into shape to look your best for 2017!

Start Early on Your Summer Body

Plastic surgery results do not appear overnight. Most patients will have residual swelling for six months to one year. Someone who is wanting to get their body in shape for summer would ideally need to undergo their procedure during the winter or early spring. This allows time for swelling and bruising to subside and for surgical wounds to heal. Once the entire recovery process has come and gone, patients can be ready to show off their new results at the beach or pool this summer.

A Relaxing and Comfortable Recovery

Once the temperature drops, many people find themselves layering their clothes and snuggling up. Staying comfortable and relaxed away from the sun and activities is conducive to a healthy recovery. Winter is a convenient season to bundle up and stay indoors to ease through recovery.

After the procedure, the recovery is the most important process. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons can provide you with all the information you need to know about the recovery for your particular surgery.

It’s a Perfect Time for a “Staycation”

Life gets crazy, and every once in a while, we need a vacation. After undergoing plastic surgery, why not use some vacation time to take a “staycation”? Most operations will require a week or two of recovery. You should allow yourself to stay home or in a comfortable environment for postoperative care. Patients who take their recovery process seriously will benefit by achieving the best results possible.

Cover Up While the Body Is Healing

Winter time is all about throwing on extra clothing to stay warm and protect the skin from the dry weather. Many plastic surgery patients will notice their swelling, bruising, and surgical wounds are easier to conceal this time of year. Patients can discreetly recover from their surgery without revealing their body before unveiling their final results in the warmer months down the line.

If you want to undergo plastic surgery before the weather heats up, you should schedule your consultation with Dr. Wald today! He can evaluate your face or body to help you decide on the best procedure for you. Contact us by calling (714) 312-3549 or by filling out our online contact form.

Can Pregnancy Affect My Breast Implants?

Pregnancy and ImplantsFor many women, their breast augmentation is an investment. Even though you may be overjoyed at the news of your pregnancy, you might be feeling some slight trepidation. Perhaps babies weren’t on your radar when you underwent breast augmentation, or maybe you were pretty sure that you were finished having children. But now, faced with the most body-altering experience in a woman’s life, you may be worried that your original investment was all for not. Here is the truth about what will happen to your breast implants during and after pregnancy.

Your Breast Implants Are Fine

Some women fear that the pressure caused by enlarged milk glands may affect the integrity of their implants. This most likely won’t happen. Your breasts will grow larger, but the pressure won’t cause your implants to rupture or change shape.

Your Breast Tissue May Change

While your implants are fine, the surrounding breast tissue may change. When the breasts enlarge during pregnancy and then shrink following nursing, your breast tissue can become weak. It is common for women to experience breast sagging following pregnancy. In some cases, your breasts can become misshapen. A number of factors will determine whether this will occur, including your skin elasticity, change in breast size during pregnancy, and environmental factors. It is impossible to predict exactly how pregnancy will affect your breast tissue.    

If you do experience tissue sagging following pregnancy, you might want to consider a breast lift. Breast lift surgery removes excess breast skin and tightens the remains tissue. While the procedure is more intricate for patients who already have implants, it can restore the youthful appearance of their breasts. If your breast implants need to be replaced, you can combine a breast lift with your implant exchange procedure.   

Implants and Breastfeeding

It is impossible to predict whether your implants will affect your ability to breastfeed. It isn’t a common complication, but problems can occur for some women. The amount of natural glandular tissue you have prior to your breast augmentation may be a predictor of whether your milk glands will produce enough milk for lactation. Also, if your incisions caused a loss of nipple sensation, you might experience difficulties nursing. It is important not to become discouraged and to try to breastfeed multiple times following birth. Some women naturally have issues with nursing, and practice can help.

If you are considering a breast augmentation or require a breast lift following pregnancy, schedule your consultation with Dr. Wald today. Contact our office at (714) 312-3549 or fill out our online contact form here for additional information.

Dr. Wald Looks forward to
helping you reach your
cosmetic goals.
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Robert Wald, MD
100 E. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 300
Fullerton, CA 92835

Phone: 714-312-3549
Fax: 714-738-1862

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