Breast Reduction – Minimal Scar Technique
Breast reduction surgery is generally recommended for woman experiencing health problems associated with very large heavy breasts. Several medical conditions have been associated with large breasts including back and neck pain, skin rashes, breathing problems, shoulder indentations from tight bra straps and poor posture. It is also associated with a decrease sense of attractiveness and self confidence.
Breast reduction is usually performed to relieve physical symptoms and may be covered by insurance. Insurance companies usually require photographs and a letter from the plastic surgeon prior to any surgical intervention. If it can be shown the medical necessity is indicated, then the surgical procedure would be covered.
Many techniques are available for breast reduction. Traditionally and inverted “T” approach is used. This includes incisions around the areola down the center of the breast and in the infra mammary crease. Today much smaller incisions are available. Depending on the patients breast shape, size and amount of sagginess, a donut shaped vertical scar technique may be used. In my practice, almost all incisions have healed beautifully with minimal scarring.