Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD - The Aesthetic Institute
Contact Us : (714) 312-3549

Orange County | Fullerton, CA


Biggest Health Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

Posted on: April 28th, 2023

woman having a cosmetic procedure

If you’ve ever considered cosmetic surgery, you may have wondered about its potential impact on your physical health. The truth is, while it’s often associated with purely aesthetic goals, there are many health benefits of cosmetic surgery. Certain procedures can alleviate specific physical symptoms and ensure long-term well-being.

Improved mobility

One way cosmetic surgery can positively affect physical health is by improving mobility. For example, if you have excess skin after significant weight loss, a body lift can help remove it and make it easier for you to move around comfortably.

Similarly, a breast reduction can alleviate the strain on your back and shoulders, making engaging in physical activities such as exercise easier.

focused woman practicing yoga

Certain cosmetic procedures improve posture, reduce back pain, and improve body mobility.

Reduced pain

Cosmetic surgery can also be a powerful tool for reducing pain. For example, if you have a deviated septum causing breathing difficulties, a rhinoplasty can correct the problem and alleviate any associated pain. Similarly, breast reduction surgery can reduce the strain on your neck and back, which can be especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from chronic pain in these areas.

Reduced headaches and teeth-grinding

Botox injections have become widely used for reducing headaches and teeth-grinding. Since botox treatment works by relaxing the muscles that contribute to tension headaches and migraines, the frequency and severity of these conditions can be significantly reduced. Additionally, Botox injections can help minimize teeth-grinding, which can cause various oral health issues, including worn teeth, jaw pain, and headaches. By reducing these symptoms, Botox can improve your overall quality of life and contribute to better physical health. If you suffer from chronic headaches or teeth-grinding, talk to your cosmetic surgeon about the potential benefits of Botox injections.

Improved Breathing

In addition to pain reduction, improved breathing is also one of the major health benefits of cosmetic surgery. This is particularly true for individuals with structural abnormalities in their noses or airways. Rhinoplasty and septoplasty are two procedures that can be used to correct these issues and improve your ability to breathe. That can improve your physical health and positively impact your quality of life by allowing you to engage in physical activities without experiencing breathing difficulties.

Improved Posture

Specific cosmetic procedures, such as breast reduction or a tummy tuck, can improve your posture. By reducing excess weight and tissue in the chest or abdomen, these procedures can help you stand up straighter, reducing the strain on your back and neck muscles. Improved posture not only looks better, but it can also help reduce pain and prevent long-term musculoskeletal issues.

Improved skin health

Cosmetic surgery can also have a positive impact on your skin health. For example, a facelift can help tighten and firm the skin on your face, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Similarly, a chemical peel can help improve your skin’s overall tone and texture by removing dead skin cells and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin. Moreover, cosmetic surgery effectively treats serious conditions like skin cancer.

Man mixing the facial mask

Men and women alike find cosmetic surgery beneficial for treating skin cancer.

Reduced risk of chronic diseases

Several cosmetic procedures, such as liposuction or bariatric surgery, can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. For example, liposuction can remove excess fat from the body, reducing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Similarly, bariatric surgery can help individuals achieve significant weight loss, reducing their risk of obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

Don’t schedule cosmetic surgery before your relocation day

If you’re planning a move soon, it’s essential to consider the timing of your cosmetic surgery carefully. While cosmetic procedures can have significant physical and emotional benefits, they also require a period of recovery and downtime. Depending on the type of procedure you’re having, you may need to avoid physical activity, lift heavy objects, or engage in other strenuous activities for several weeks or even months after the surgery.

If you’re planning a move, this can make the process significantly more challenging and stressful. To ensure your move goes smoothly and avoid complicating your recovery process, it’s generally best to avoid scheduling cosmetic surgery within a few months of your relocation date. Moreover, relocation experts at claim that moving runs more efficiently after all critical events, medical procedures, etc. So, give yourself enough time after any surgery before you tackle all the necessary moving tasks.

Make sure to choose the right aesthetic institute

Choosing the right aesthetic institute for your cosmetic surgery is crucial to ensure a successful and safe procedure. Before scheduling your surgery, take the time to research and compare different institutes in your area, and choose one with a solid reputation and a track record of successful procedures. Look for an institute with a team of experienced and board-certified surgeons who specialize in the type of procedure you’re interested in. Additionally, ensure the institute has state-of-the-art equipment and facilities and a comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative care plan to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. It’s also a good idea to read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to understand their experience and satisfaction with the institute.

surgeon explaining health benefits of cosmetic surgery

An expert surgeon can give you more insight into the health benefits of cosmetic surgery.

Final thoughts

Discuss the potential health benefits of cosmetic surgery and risks with your surgeon to determine whether it’s the right choice for you. By carefully weighing the pros and cons of the procedure, you can make an informed decision about whether cosmetic surgery is the best option for your overall health and well-being. Just make sure you’re undergoing any surgery at a renowned aesthetic center.

How Pregnancy Affects Plastic Surgery

Posted on: April 3rd, 2023

5 Minute Read: 

A picture of a pregnant woman in the third-trimester holding flowers in an orange dress.

Pregnancy is definitely a whole different experience. It’s a life-altering one that can bring joy and happiness to a woman’s life. However, it also impacts a woman’s body, sometimes leading to dissatisfaction with her appearance. Therefore, some women turn to professional surgeons and plastic surgery to address their concerns. But the question is: how pregnancy affects plastic surgery?

In this article, we will explore the effects of pregnancy on plastic surgery and what you need to know before undergoing any procedure. Stay tuned.

Pregnancy and Plastic Surgery: Understanding the Risks

As we’re all aware, pregnancy can bring many changes to a woman’s body, such as:

  • skin stretching,
  • breast enlargement,
  • weight gain.

Therefore, it’s vital to know from the start that all of these changes can affect the outcome of the surgery. Additionally, it’s of critical importance to be aware of the risks such procedures can cause after pregnancy.

For instance, breast augmentation after pregnancy could increase the risk of bleeding or infections. Or, if you undergo the tummy tuck procedure right after being pregnant, there’s a risk of developing something called ‘seroma.’ That is a pocket of fluid that can form under the skin. Therefore, like everything in life, it’s vital to research, find professionals to put your confidence in, and have the right team by your side.

A woman discussing her surgery with a plastic surgeon.

Timing is crucial when talking about how pregnancy affects plastic surgery. But first, giving your body time to heal is vital.

In addition to possible risks, it’s important to think of the recovery process too. Patients should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity during recovery to prevent complications and ensure proper healing. So, if you’re in the middle of a moving process, heavy lifting might be one of the things you’d be thinking of tackling. However, this activity will undoubtedly strain your body and slow healing. Thus, it’s wise to listen to professional advice from the team behind Best Movers NYC and seek help from friends and family or hire movers who can help you make your move easier and allow you to focus on your recovery.

The Timing of Plastic Surgery After Giving Birth

Regarding how pregnancy affects plastic surgery, it’s essential to remember that timing is everything. First and foremost, it’s crucial to wait until your body has completely healed and returned to its pre-pregnancy state before undergoing any procedures. Typically, this period takes six months to a year after giving birth.

In the time between, your body will continue to change. That is why undergoing plastic surgery too soon can lead to unsatisfactory results. Do not forget to consult your gynecologist about having thoughts about plastic surgery. They will be the ones to ensure your body is ready for the procedure and give you the green light.

How Pregnancy Affects Plastic Surgery: The Ultimate List

With all of the previously stated, it’s time to dig deeper into how pregnancy affects plastic surgery.

Change in Skin Elasticity

The woman’s skin stretches during pregnancy to accommodate the fetus. However, this also is likely to result in changes in skin elasticity, especially in the abdominal area. Then, as a result, procedures like tummy tucks can lead to unsatisfactory results. For example, breast lift procedures rely on the skin’s elasticity to reshape and lift the breasts. But, if the skin has lost its elasticity during pregnancy, the procedure might not be as effective.

Change in Breast Size and Shape

The breasts are prone to significant changes in size and shape during pregnancy. Subsequently, this is yet another example of how pregnancy affects plastic surgery. For instance, if a patient undergoes breast augmentation before pregnancy and then experiences significant breast growth during pregnancy, the enlargement results may be less noticeable.

Abdominal Muscle Separation

A widespread condition that pregnant women experience is the so-called ‘diastasis recti’ or the separation of abdominal muscles. This condition usually results in bulging in the abdominal area, which is difficult to correct without surgery. However, patients that withstand the tummy tuck surgery may require additional muscle repair to correct the separation. Again, this can impact the results of the procedure as well as the recovery time.

A woman measuring her abdominal area in the gym.

If you give your body time to heal, the tummy tuck procedure results or liposuction will be more effective.

Fluid Accumulation

After pregnancy, there’s an increased risk of seroma or fluid accumulation after procedures like liposuction or tummy tuck. This is mainly because the body’s natural healing process and ability might be compromised in the period after pregnancy. However, while seromas aren’t usually dangerous, they can be uncomfortable and require other approaches and treatment.

Healing Time

Finally, we shouldn’t forget that the body needs time to heal fully after pregnancy and childbirth. Patients who wish to undergo plastic surgery too soon after giving birth may experience complications, such as infection or delayed healing. Additionally, a woman’s body might continue to change months after giving birth, which can also have an effect on the procedure done too early. On the other hand, patients who allow their bodies to completely heal and stabilize before undergoing plastic surgeries are more likely to achieve desired results.

Common Procedures After Pregnancy

So, now that you’re aware of all the risks and wish to proceed with plastic surgery, it would be good to know your options. This is a list of several most common plastic surgeries women consider after childbearing to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies.

  • Tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) – The procedure that removes excess fat or skin from the abdomen and tightens abdominal muscles;
  • Breast augmentation – Insertion of implants to increase the size of breasts and improve their shape;
  • Breast lift (or mastopexy) – The procedure of lifting sagging breasts;
  • Liposuction – A method that removes excess fat from various areas of the body;
  • Mommy makeover – A combination of techniques designed to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body.
A surgeon admiring her work as she was aware of the ways how pregnancy affects plastic surgery.

Your plastic surgery results can be fascinating if done correctly and at the right time.

Final Thoughts on How Pregnancy Affects Plastic Surgery

Pregnancy, indeed, does have a significant impact on a woman’s body. And, it’s only natural for her to wish to restore her pre-pregnancy body and feel like herself again. However, it’s important to know the risks involved and how pregnancy affects plastic surgery. So, if you’re considering plastic procedures after birth, discussing your options with a professional surgeon would be wise to ensure you get the best possible outcome.

6 Factors That Influence Plastic Surgery Results

Posted on: March 21st, 2023

6 Minute Read: 

A tape measurer around a peach on a green surface.

Welcome to a world where “going under the knife” is no longer a taboo. With the rise of social media and the need for picture-perfect looks, plastic surgery has become more commonplace than ever. But have you ever wondered why two people who undergo the same surgery could have such vastly different results? We’ve reached out to an acclaimed board-certified plastic surgeon in Orange County who advised that this is because plastic surgery results depend on a variety of factors, and that’s what we’re going to explore in this article.

So let’s dive in and uncover the six most important factors that influence plastic surgery results.

What Are Crucial Factors That Influence Plastic Surgery Results?

Plastic surgery is often a miracle solution to aesthetic imperfections, but the reality is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Whether you’re seeking a dramatic transformation or just a subtle enhancement, there are various factors to consider that can significantly influence the outcome of your procedure. Every decision you make can impact the final results, from your age and overall health to the type of surgery and surgeon you choose.

Man talking to a surgeon about factors that influence plastic surgery results

Before you decide to have plastic surgery, it’s essential to consult with your surgeon, ask as many questions as possible, and learn about the factors that influence its results.

Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of plastic surgery and tailor your approach accordingly. With the right preparation, mindset, and support, you can achieve the look you desire and feel confident in your skin. That’s why we’ll explore six factors that influence plastic surgery results in this article and help you understand what to consider before going under the knife. So, let’s dive in and learn the secrets behind successful plastic surgery.

#1 Surgeon’s Skill and Experience

The skills and experience of a plastic surgeon play a crucial role in determining the success of plastic surgery. A skilled and experienced surgeon has the knowledge, expertise, and technical ability to perform the surgery correctly. They can help patients achieve the desired results with minimal complications. On the other hand, an inexperienced surgeon may lack the knowledge and expertise to perform the surgery correctly. That can lead to suboptimal results or, even worse, health complications. 

Therefore, when choosing a plastic surgeon, it is essential to do your research and find a board-certified surgeon. Also, you want to find a surgeon with extensive experience in the specific type of plastic surgery you want to undergo. You can also read reviews and check before and after photos. That will give you an idea of the surgeon’s skill and experience. 

#2 Patient’s Health

The patient’s health plays a critical role in the success of plastic surgery. Patients in good health generally have a lower risk of complications and are, therefore, more likely to have better results. Patients with chronic health conditions, for instance, diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders may be at higher risk of complications during and after surgery.

Before plastic surgery, patients should disclose their medical history and any current medications or supplements. You should never lie to your surgeon about your medical history because this information can help them determine whether you’re a good candidate for the surgery. Also, they will know whether any special precautions need to be taken.

#3 Age

Age is another factor that can affect plastic surgery results. Younger patients generally have better skin elasticity, which can lead to more successful outcomes for procedures such as facelifts and tummy tucks. Older patients may require additional procedures to achieve the desired results. That is because their skin may have lost some elasticity over time. However, remember that age is not always a determining factor in the success of plastic surgery. 

Young doctor wearing blue scrubs feeling happy after seeing patient's plastic surgery results.

The younger the patient is, the chances for a successful plastic surgery outcome increase.

#4 Follow-up Care

The patient’s post-operative care is another critical factor that can impact plastic surgery results. Patients who follow the surgeon’s instructions and attend all follow-up appointments are likelier to have a successful outcome. Follow-up care may include dressing changes, medication management, and monitoring for signs of complications. Failure to follow these instructions can lead to complications and suboptimal results.

Therefore, if you undergo plastic surgery, follow all instructions provided by your surgeon, especially those including restrictions on physical activity and proper wound care. Any wrong move can delay or complicate your recovery. If you need something heavy lifted or moved in your home, don’t do it alone but ask for help. Or, you can always listen to the word of advice from the team from and hire furniture movers. They can handle all the heavy lifting for you while you focus on the success of your recovery. 

#5 Psychological Factors

Let us not forget various psychological factors that can also affect plastic surgery results. Patients with realistic expectations and a positive outlook are more likely to be satisfied with the results of their surgery. On the other hand, patients with unrealistic expectations or undergoing surgery to please others may be disappointed with the results, even if the surgery was technically successful.

Therefore, before undergoing plastic surgery, patients should have a thorough consultation with their surgeon to discuss their expectations and goals for the surgery. That can help ensure that the patient has realistic expectations and is undergoing surgery for the right reasons. On top of that, patients who have a history of depression or anxiety may be at higher risk of experiencing emotional complications after plastic surgery. If you are one of them, discuss your concerns with your surgeon. 

#6 Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors such as diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption make you age faster and can also impact your plastic surgery results. Smoking can reduce blood flow to the skin, which can delay healing and increase the risk of complications. Consuming alcohol can also increase the risk of complications and delay healing. On the other hand, a healthy diet rich in vitamins and nutrients can help promote healing and improve the overall outcome of the surgery. 

Woman preparing a healthy meal in her large and modern kitchen

The type of lifestyle a person leads is one of the most significant factors that influence plastic surgery results.

With this in mind, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle before and after plastic surgery to ensure optimal results. That may include quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and following a healthy diet.

The Bottom Line

Plastic surgery is a complex and personal decision that should not be taken lightly. While the allure of a perfect appearance may seem tempting, it’s important to remember that there are various factors that influence plastic surgery results. By taking the time to research your options, communicate with your surgeon, and prioritize your health and well-being, you can increase your chances of achieving your desired results.

But beyond the physical changes, it’s essential to recognize that plastic surgery is also a mental and emotional journey. It requires patience, resilience, and self-love to navigate the ups and downs of the recovery process. So, if you’re considering plastic surgery, remember to approach it with a holistic mindset and embrace the journey, not just the destination. Ultimately, your happiness and satisfaction with your appearance come from within, and plastic surgery is just one tool to help you feel confident and empowered in your skin.

What You Need to Know About the Plastic Surgery Paradox

Posted on: March 1st, 2023

6 Minute Read: 

A girl getting a plastic surgery

The progress of medicine in the previous period allowed us to solve almost any aesthetic problem we might have. We use this opportunity more and more frequently, given that plastic surgery has become available to practically everyone. Through advertising campaigns, people are often encouraged to undergo aesthetic procedures and even present it as an act of courage and strength, only to be exposed to belittlement and condemnation. This phenomenon is called the plastic surgery paradox. It is the reason why most patients who have gone through the procedures are reluctant to talk about them and why people are hesitant to take this step and make the change they want and sometimes they need. So what is it, and what do you need to know about the plastic surgery paradox?

Make-up and brushes

The question arises as to why our attempts to cover up our flaws with make-up or wardrobe are socially acceptable while cosmetic surgery causes so much negative attention.

Beauty standards

We often hear that modern women feel compelled to meet near-impossible standards of beauty imposed on them by contemporary society. However, it seems that it is not such a new thing. We can only remember whitened faces with lead-based preparations and giant powdered wigs at the courts in the sixteenth century. We have always been ready to go far to present ourselves in the best possible way. What is relatively new is our ability, thanks to medicine, to make corrections that we could only dream of until recently by using medically fully verified and safe procedures. But for some reason, they carry with them a social stigma. The question arises as to why our attempts to cover up our flaws with make-up or wardrobe are socially acceptable while cosmetic surgery causes so much negative attention.

What you need to know about the plastic surgery paradox

The plastic surgery paradox is very prominent nowadays. As usual, when the public expresses itself on particular issues with so much emotion, there are justified reasons for it. Genuine concern for people’s well-being is often the reason for a negative opinion about aesthetic surgical procedures, but the way it is carried out is somewhat problematic. What are the positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon?

Natural beauty. Close up of eyes.

Social pressure to promote natural beauty and diversity can have a positive social impact.

The good

The industry of aesthetic procedures on a global level is expanding. It offers more diverse treatments that are more and more accessible to the general public. According to some projections, by 2030, the total value of the industry will rise to 330 billion dollars globally. The large sums of money at stake make some companies lead aggressive advertising campaigns that contribute to unrealistic societal pressures on appearances that are considered harmful to body image. At the same time, according to some research, even 86% of all cosmetic procedures were performed on women. It seems that the industry exploits women’s insecurities and contributes to social pressures to meet unrealistic ideals of appearance. In these circumstances, social pressure to promote natural beauty and diversity can have a positive social impact. But it has to be focused on the promotion of positive values and education rather than useless hate campaigns on the internet.

The bad

Treating all aesthetic procedures the same way as an expression of one’s vanity is wrong. We can agree that one’s perception of beauty is an individual thing. But so is the perception of personal happiness and contentment. Many people are deeply dissatisfied because of aesthetic problems that are solvable with relatively simple procedures. Those people should have the freedom of personal choice without having to face social stigma because of their decisions, especially considering that nearly 90% of aesthetic procedures involve non-surgical treatments.

The ugly

Unfortunately, too often, we have situations where people who have undergone cosmetic surgery experience dirty media campaigns. Such campaigns use deliberately chosen bad photos that often create a false impression of the results of the procedure. The clickbait texts that accompany them are sensationalist and written with the sole purpose of making as much money as possible. Campaigns continue on social networks with insults and ridicule. We often overlook that aesthetic treatments are crucial for a patient’s mental health, self-esteem, and confidence. The vast majority of people who undergo cosmetic procedures later report that they feel more confident and that their decision was the right one and improved their lives.

Why some don’t like aesthetic surgery

Although the number of negative experiences and complications is minimal and, as we have already said, the patients who underwent the procedure believe that they made a good decision, we still have people with a negative view of plastic surgery. Why?

A plastic surgeon writing something

Don’t pay attention to what people say and the plastic surgery paradox. Instead, find yourself a good surgeon.

Health issues

It wouldn’t be true if we told you that plastic surgery doesn’t carry any risks. It can potentially be harmful to your health, but the possibility of that happening is now very low. Today, in the modern age, there are specialists you can find and go to who are terrific at their job. The use of contemporary equipment also lowers the likelihood of anything bad and unwanted happening. Some surgeries are optional such as cosmetic ones, but some operations are necessary to happen. Put your trust in your chosen surgeon. Don’t overthink it.

Find someone professional

To avoid possible health issues, look for someone who is proven to be the best. Some countries, like Switzerland, are known to have the most skilled plastic surgeons. So, if you plan to visit or possibly move there, have that in mind. Experts from 24/7 Logistics Services advise you to always turn to professionals for help and advice about moving. They will explain everything you need to know. 

Aesthetic surgery as unnatural

The often negative attitude toward cosmetic surgery is the result of a deeply rooted belief that corrections often look unnatural and violate the dignity and sanctity of the body. As we have already said, most interventions today are non-surgical. Also, how natural the correction will look depends on the knowledge and skill of the doctor who performs the procedure. When it comes to surgical treatments that some patients may demand, which may look unnatural, it depends on the doctor’s ethics whether he will accept them or try to recommend the best solutions for his patient. A relationship of trust must be the basis of every doctor-patient relationship. When it comes to plastic surgery, it is even more essential.


We can conclude that the plastic surgery paradox is terribly toxic. That’s why you should only listen to yourself and not let anyone else’s opinion stop you from doing what you want. In the end, it is your life and your body. And that’s the only thing that matters.

How to Talk to Your Teen About Plastic Surgery

Posted on: February 7th, 2023

5 Minute Read: 

Two doctors performing surgery.

We live in a day and age where so much importance is put on how someone looks. There is enormous pressure on people to look perfect all the time. This is even more heightened by the influence social media has today. People, especially celebrities, post pictures and videos that are photoshopped and filtered and sell false images to their followers. This has a massive impact on young impressionable teenagers, bringing the topic of plastic surgery to the forefront. Today plastic surgery has never been more affordable and available, putting parents worldwide in a complicated position. More and more teens today are trying to convince their parents to allow them to get work done. And it can be tough to figure out how to talk to your teen about plastic surgery. So we decided to give you some tips to make it easier.

Don’t Shut Them Down Right Away

If your child approaches you with a question about having plastic surgery, don’t shut it down immediately, even if it scares you. This is a shock to most parents, as there is a bit of a stigma around plastic surgery, and they are firmly against it most of the time. But you can’t take such an aggressive attitude with your teens. It will only have the opposite effect and make them want it more. Be open to having a conversation about this with them, and be respectful. Your teens will appreciate being treated like this and will be more likely to listen to your feedback even if you disagree with them. If you are very strongly against plastic surgery, don’t tell them that they can’t do it. Instead, tell them they should wait a little longer and not rush a big decision like this.

Woman talking to a teenage boy.

Try to find out why your teen wants plastic surgery.

Find Out Why They Want the Surgery

In situations like this, it’s essential to know why your teen wants plastic surgery. You want to avoid your child wanting to permanently alter something on their body just to please someone else. As we said, teens are under a lot of pressure to always look perfect. The toxic culture in high schools can amplify this even more. Kids can be ruthless and bully others for their looks.

If you just moved into a new place and your teen comes home one day and says they want to have plastic surgery, chances are they were bullied in their new school. This is why experts at Bravo Moving advise thoroughly researching a neighborhood before you move there, especially schools. You want to make sure your kids will be in a safe environment. Try to explain to your teen that they should only consider surgery if it’s something they truly want, not because of somebody else’s opinion of how they look.

Girl looking at herself in a mirror.

Talk to your teen about plastic surgery and educate them on body image.

Talk About Body Image

Before you talk to your teen about plastic surgery, it’s crucial to have an open discussion about body image. You need to explain to your kids that the media sets unrealistic body standards and that they project a fake image. It’s crucial that your kids know this so they don’t feel bad about not looking like that. Explain that some “imperfections” on our bodies are completely natural and aren’t actually imperfections.

Talk to Your Kids About Plastic Surgery With an Open Mind

In some cases, you have to consider that plastic surgery may not be such a bad idea for your teen. This is why keeping an open mind is essential. Sometimes allowing your teen to have that surgery can be life-changing and positive. If your child wants the surgery because it would make them feel better and more comfortable in their body, then that’s a valid reason to consider allowing them to have it. It will all depend on the surgery because teenagers are still growing and developing, and not every plastic surgery is suitable for their age.

Doctor writing something.

Always consult with a medical professional.

Consult With a Professional

In this situation, consulting with a surgeon is a must. They know more about this topic than anyone else, and their feedback is priceless. Surgeons can explain all the surgery details and how that would change your teenager’s appearance. And more importantly, they will inform you about all the risks a surgery like this would carry. Let your child ask the surgeon all the questions they may have because they are probably a little unsure and confused themselves. Your teenager needs to hear this. Talking to a professional will give them a clear idea of what they are asking for.

Look for Help Online

If you still don’t know how to talk to your teen about plastic surgery, you should look for support online. You would be surprised how many blogs, podcasts, and even parent support groups exist where people discuss many parenting topics, including this one. You can read about other people’s experiences talking to their kids about this. People also post helpful tips and share things they wish they knew before talking to their teenagers about this. You can learn much from that and see that you are not the only one confused.

In Conclusion

When you talk to your teen about plastic surgery, you must be non-judgmental and understanding. Try not to look at plastic surgery as a negative thing right away because there are many pros there as well. Be open and honest when talking to them, and listen carefully to what they say. Try and figure out what makes them want to have the surgery and make sure it’s not all the wrong reasons, like bullying in school. Educate yourself and your teen about this topic and talk to a professional. And finally, don’t forget to ask other parents for advice online and in real life.

Dr. Wald Looks forward to
helping you reach your
cosmetic goals.
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Robert Wald, MD
100 E. Valencia Mesa Drive, Suite 300
Fullerton, CA 92835

Phone: 714-312-3549
Fax: 714-738-1862

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