7 Common Myths About Plastic Surgery
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When you look up information about plastic surgery, you’ll find out that much of the information out there is oversimplified, inaccurate, or false. The undisputed fact is that plastic surgeries are becoming more and more popular around the world. The importance of these procedures is not only the aesthetics but also the improvement of someone’s quality of life. For some, even, it’s a medical necessity. In this article, we’ll try to help you by debunking seven common myths about plastic surgery.
#1 Plastic Surgery = Cosmetic Surgery
Most people don’t know the difference between these two terms, but there are several important distinctions between them. The goal of plastic surgery is “a repair” and enhancement, so it basically has a cosmetic element. Still, there is more to it.
To do a job as a plastic surgeon, one needs to earn a specialist degree and get many years of training. Also, they need additional accreditation. On the other hand, most types of cosmetic surgery can be performed by any doctor. The only additional training a cosmetic surgeon may have, asides from the basic medical degree, is a short course as a qualification. Physicians from various disciplines may have some training in cosmetic surgery. For example, an ophthalmologist can learn to perform specific cosmetic procedures around the eyes.
#2 Plastic Surgery Is Only for the Rich or Celebrities
Puffing up lips or smoothing out wrinkles is not an advantage available only to “chosen ones.” Plastic surgeries can also benefit ordinary people.
For example, a breast reduction surgery helps women reduce back pain, improve their day-to-day comfort, and help them with sleep. Scar treatment is a procedure affordable to almost anyone with an average salary. It reduces the size of a scar and improves its appearance. And, there are procedures such as surgical skin cancer removal, which removes dangerous growths. Not everything is about wanting “a doll” look or trying to look ten years younger.

*Models—Plastic surgery, such as liposuction, can help everyday people—it’s not only for the rich and famous.
#3 There Is No Other Barrier to Plastic Surgery Except the Cost
Whether or not you can afford plastic surgery is not the only issue you need to consider. Pre-surgical counseling is necessary before one alters his or her appearance. You need to discuss these key points with your surgeon:
- What the surgery can accomplish
- Evaluation of your expectations
- How emotionally stable you are
- Whether you really want the operation or you are being coerced
Many women consider breast augmentation only because of their husband’s wish. A teenager sometimes gets a rhinoplasty at the urging of their parents. In reconstructive procedures, a patient needs to know the cost, what rehabilitation will involve, and how likely the surgery is to be successful.
Some changes are easier to make than others. You can change your job, styling, car; you can get a relocation organized in no time. However, changes that involve plastic surgery can be a lengthy process, so make sure you’re fully committed before making such a decision.
#4 Plastic Surgery Is Only for Women
One of the most typical myths about plastic surgery is that those kinds of procedures are not common for men. Indeed, women still make up most plastic surgery patients, but more and more men are deciding to undergo surgical procedures. Men of all ages are becoming more comfortable with liposuction, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), muscle-enhancing surgery, rhinoplasty, and gynecomastia (a treatment of enlarged congenital breasts).
#5 Diet and Exercise Can Have the Same Results as Plastic Surgery
A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is not up for discussion and can benefit almost anyone. Therefore, doctors advise all patients to pay attention to their nutrition as well as their physical activity. However, when it comes to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, significant weight loss, etc., there is little diet and exercise can do, no matter how hard and how long you try. Plastic surgery is an excellent option for those who aren’t seeing the results they want with a healthy lifestyle.
Many procedures can address problem areas and give a patient the appearance and silhouette they desire. A great example is a tummy tuck procedure that removes excess skin, eliminates stretch marks, or tightens abdominal muscles – which is very hard or almost impossible to get only with a balanced diet and exercise.

Everybody should pay attention to their nutrition, but for those who aren’t seeing results, plastic surgery is a solution.
#6 Breast Augmentation Is a Once-and-Done Procedure
The most popular surgical procedure is breast augmentation. Therefore, the most common myths about plastic surgery are related to this procedure. Breast augmentation isn’t a once-and-done procedure since all breast implants have a limited lifespan. Most implants have a shelf-life of around ten years. If they degrade, or if the material hardens or ruptures, you should replace them even sooner. An implant’s projected life span is not an expiration date. How long an implant will last will depend upon many factors.
You can’t avoid your environment and genetics taking their toll, so they will eventually affect aesthetics. There’s no set time when implants have to be taken out. Therefore a patient needs to be followed and examined. Following your surgeon’s advice, you should go to a revisional surgery to evaluate the condition of your implants. After the evaluation, your plastic surgeon will replace any implants that have reached the end of their lifespan.
#7 Breast Implants Prevent You from Breastfeeding and Increase Your Risk of Getting Breast Cancer
According to studies, breastfeeding with implants is safe. However, keep in mind that breast milk could absorb some of the silicone from breast implants, but that amount isn’t considered harmful to your baby. Since breast milk is the best thing you can feed your infant, women with breast implants are encouraged to breastfeed if they’re able to do so.
Also, various studies show that breast implants do not cause breast cancer or breast cancer recurrence. Just remember, it’s still essential to undergo routine screening for breast cancer(regular breast self-exams, mammograms, and clinical breast exams), just as it is for women who don’t have breast implants.
Plastic surgery can definitely change someone’s life for the better. Before deciding to undergo such a procedure, inform yourself well, and debunk all myths about plastic surgery that you plan on doing. Do detailed research about the best surgeons in your area, and consult about your expectations and hopes – so the end result can be a success.
If you are interested in learning more, contact Dr. Wald by calling (714) 312-3549 or filling out our online contact form. Dr. Wald offers breast, body, and facial enhancement procedures for patients in Fullerton, California.